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Household Tasks

House Cleaning (Carpet, Mould, Window, BBQ, Oven, Upholstery, Mould) Laundry, Lawn Mowing, Water Damage, Office cleaning

Travel/Transport Assistance

Medical Appointments, Health Appointments School or Classes, Shopping, Gym, Airport Transfer, Social Events

Personal Mobilty Equipment

Wheelchairs, Hoists, Walkers, Braces, Canes, Crutches, Slings, Scooters, Vertical Changing Stations

Household Tasks

House Cleaning (Carpet, Mould, Window, BBQ, Oven, Upholstery, Mould) Laundry, Lawn Mowing, Water Damage, Office cleaning

Travel/Transport Assistance

Medical Appointments, Health Appointments School or Classes, Shopping, Gym, Airport Transfer, Social Events

Personal Mobilty Equipment

Wheelchairs, Hoists, Walkers, Braces, Canes, Crutches, Slings, Scooters, Vertical Changing Stations

Social and Communitity Participation

Sports , Activities, School or Classes Excursions, Swimming, Friends Gathering, Beach Days and more

Assistive Prod-pers Care/Safety

High and low beds, Pressure mattresses, Toilet & bathroom supplies, specialty apparel, and continence needs

Assistive Prod Household Task

Alarm and Door Bells, Adapted Clocks, Programmable Memory Aids, Environmental control units

Home Modifications / Assistive Technology

Home modifications are custom-built changes to your home that help you manage your disability.

Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance

Tenancy assistance services support individuals with disabilities in finding and maintaining safe, accessible, and supportive housing

Inclusive Community Nursing Care

Palliative care, Complex wound management Bowel care, Diabetes management, Urinary catheter management, Peg feeding,

Assistance with Daily Life Activities

Assistance with Daily Life in your NDIS budget funds daily personal activities to help you live independently at home and in your community.

With access to 24-hour assistance, you can be rest assured you're taken care of.

Discover beyond this! Share your specific requirements with us.
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